Tired of pregnancy judgement?
So here I am, on a journey like no other. Feeling somewhat clueless and out of my dept but on a fantastic adventure, a truly beautiful life experience. Over these past several months while our little cherub has been growing I have gone through a mulititude of highs and lows and while I still have so much to learn I already feel ready, well as ready as one can be at this stage but I definitely know I'm ready to become a Mam and already my whole world has shifted on it's axis in preparation for the little ones arrival.
I hear it everywhere these days, it's like I'm plugged in to hear only pregnancy chatter or baby talk and I tune everything else out. My social media is flooded with baby world, winding techniques, hip safety, sleeping tricks, feeding ques etc etc. I naturally hone in on the specific points that I want to read or learn about to equip myself for parenthood. I'm quickly coming to the realsiation that reading books and asking others for advice at this stage only goes so far, nothing can ever fully prepare you to become a first time parent.
The anxiety and worry is all part of it and the perfectionist in me just has to tame herself because no matter how much planning I do to be prepared, I fully understand it's only when the baby arrives that the real work will start and I'll likely throw caution to the wind and just figure it out day by day.
The end of pregnancy isn't too far off now and speaking to family and friends who have recently had babies makes it so much more reassuring to know the feelings I have at the moment are valid and that it's normal to want to be over prepared. My mind has been in the deep end lately, my overactive brain always on the go, wondering about different scenarious and best ways to do things because I want to make sure that I know what I'm doing, I've always hated that new girl feeling of not knowing how everything works and I have that feeling about parenthood because I'm new to the club and I want to be good at being a Mam, I want to be able to look after my little baby and comfort them when they need it. I'm their Mam afterall and I want to be everything that they need when they enter this world.
Part of me feels like I'm being judged, some people might think I'm being silly and trying to be overprepared but I know who I am and I know what my mind is like and the hamster will never stop running on that wheel thinking of every possible scenario until the baby is here in my arms. I want to read books and watch videos and feel as equipped as I can to comfort myself knowing I am doing my best right now learning how to keep this small human alive. Perhaps I will look back and think that reading baby books and articles was a waste of time when we are in the depts of sleepless nights and up to our necks in dirty nappies and there isn't a chapter on how to function in that situation but it's not going to stop me because for me thats what I want to do right now.
Why am I writing this you might be asking yourself, I'm asking it of myself right now too. Why do I feel the need to write this down? The answer is this, I think it's important share and highlight it to others who might be feeling the same way. I don't know how many times I have been told over the last 8 months that no two pregnancies are the same and I shouldn't compare mine to others. Well I guess that logic applies here too, no two women, men or parents have the exact same ways of thinking or preparing themselves for the task that lies ahead, so maybe it's best to leave them be and let them ready themselves for it in their own way. Consider the way you prepared yourself for your first newborn might not be the way someone else wants to. No two journeys are the same.
So if your reading this and your about to become a parent or are close to someone or a couple who are about to enter parenthood, let them read their books and ask their questions and do their research. Let them plan and do what they feel they need to do and absolutely offer your advice when asked for it but certainly don't judge them or make them feel silly. They are about to go on a journey of a lifetime and will want your support, so don't cast doubt over them before it has even begun.
From one clueless Mama to another, we've got this!!