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Mercury Retrograde

Heading in to week 4 of 2022, but more importantly to mention, we're heading in to week two of Mercury Retrograde & I don't know about the rest of you but I've barely made it through. Okay a slight exaggeration but for someone who is fairly level headed for the majority of the time and in check of themselves, I have been living on tender hooks for what emotional tidal wave will sweep over me while the planets are messing with us.

I've gone from dancing in the kitchen while my mushrooms are sweating down, to rolling over in bed swept with hot anxiety and worry for the future. I've basked in the mind blown deliciousness of a sandwich,then raged out at the smallest inconvenience and in the next breath laughed uncontrollably at something that is totally unrelated. I've had arguments with bus drivers, cried at the unruly frizz of my hair and danced along the pathway on my walk back from Aldi carrying a soup maker, nodding and smiling at every strange smile I received from other pedestrians. Truthfully it has been exhausting trying to keep up with the many versions of myself.

All in all it's been a whirlwind week of emotions. Something I'm not used to or very comfortable with especially having lived a "cool and collected" life for thirty-odd years, this has got me in a real funk. With that being said, I'm preparing for battle as I face in to week two of this Retrograde. After much thought I have decided there are 4 things which I can do to better equip myself for the coming week.

1. I plan on getting enough sleep, I'm talking 9 hours here folks- just to be on the safe side.

2. I'm going to be mindful of how I'm feeling and what is ticking me off in a bid to maintain that well-balanced and in control of myself feeling.

3.I think drinking a gallon of chamomile tea is on the cards too, just to err on the side of caution in case there is another irrational outburst at the frizziness of my hair.

Finally and most importantly, No.4, I am going to line my pockets with every crystal I own to protect my energy from anything low vibing, including myself. Surely that should do the trick.

We're almost through it lads, we can do it.


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