Maternity Bag - what to pack

For any of you expecting Mamas you might be wondering when to start and what to pack into your maternity bags. When I was prepping for my bags I didn't know where to begin, how many bags to do and how much of everything I required. In preparation I did my usual Google search and although the majority of lists I found were helpful some of the lists were very extensive and I wondered what was too little and what was too much. Was everything on the list really necessary? Obviously I'm not an expert, I've only done it once and everyone's experience and list will be different. I went to my sister to help me out as I truly was clueless, so here I share with you a complete list of what I put into my maternity bag.
First off I started packing the bags at the end of the sixth month, I then packed and repacked several times as the due date approached. I used two bags, one for me which was a douffle bag and one for baby which was a small wheely case. Looking back I think I would have preferred one bigger case split into two perhaps one of those 15kg sized bags. I say this because when I was in hospital I had a bag for me, a bag for baby, my partner also had a few bits thrown into a bag for himself to freshen up and we also had a bag of snacks. I was in three different rooms during my birth experience, prebirth waiting for labour to start, labour ward and then moved onto a bay in an antipost ward, my partner was like a bell boy lugging the bags around each ward and I feel it would have been much easier if it was all in one bigger case.
Mum's Bag:
-2 nightdresses for the birth,
-2 loose fitting pajamas for the recovery, keep them loose because if you end up having a c-section you won't want anything tight or rubbing across your wound,
- Slippers, I bought £1 pair in case my own got soiled (last thing you will want to do when you get home is clean/treat your soiled slippers),
-Dressing gown,
-Underwear, something comfortable and bring plenty even if you are only there for a couple of days,
-Wireless or Nursing bra incase your breasts leak,
-Tooth brush,
-Tooth paste,
-Shower gel,
-Face cloth,
-Dry shampoo in case you don't feel able to wash your hair,
-Hair ties,
-Hair brush,
-Moisturizer for face and body. You will probably feel gross after the birth so this can feel like a treat after you are washed,
-Water bottle with a straw, you will be so thirsty after the birth and the midwife's will need you to wee a couple of times before they will let you go home,
-Phone charger with a long cable,
-Maternity sanitary towels or mesh pants for overnight. One packet of each with spare in the car because you will go through loads of these,
-Breast pads, your milk may not come through for a few days if you are not breastfeeding but best to have them anyway. Keep these in the fridge when you get home for extra comfort.
Baby's Bag:
-Foldable changing mat,
-Cardigan for baby,
-4 vests,
-4 baby grows,
-4 Muslin cloths,
-1 pack of nappies, I had another pack in the boot of the car in case we needed them,
-Wipes, keep these in a plastic sandwich bag incase they leak even before they are opened,
- Cotton wool for changing baby boys nappy,
- 2 or 3 hats,
- Scratch mittens,
- Socks to wear under baby grow to keep baby's feet warm,
- towel in case you wash baby,
- 2 cellular blankets- they don't like fluffy ones in the hospital,
- Nursing pillow, I found this really helpful for feeding support when I was on my own as I had limited mobility after the surgery,
- Ready to use formula of your choice if bottle feeding, the hospital should be able to provide these for you but best to bring a couple of boxes to be safe.
Don't forget your maternity notes and birthing plan, make a playlist on your phone and bring some snacks and drinks for energy and some comfortable clothes to wear for going home.
Good luck