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Believe In You

Feb 6, 20244 min read
Consistently Inconsistent
Sitting on my bed in the semi late hours of a frosty January night I got that feeling,you know the one where it starts off as a small...

Oct 9, 20234 min read
When maternity leave ends...
So much has happened since I last wrote on here. Atlas is now nine months old. Can you believe I have an almost one year old as we are...

Mar 19, 20223 min read
Scam culture
The side hustle, endorsed by millions, encouraged by every individual who has "made it". Finding something to do on the side of your...

Jan 23, 20222 min read
Mercury Retrograde
Heading in to week 4 of 2022, but more importantly to mention, we're heading in to week two of Mercury Retrograde & I don't know about...

Jun 19, 20213 min read
Emotional Triggers
What are they, how to recognize them and how to overcome them. ~~Before we go on I'd like to mention that I'm not a doctor or healthcare...

May 9, 20213 min read
3 Types of Meditation To Practice Today.
On this journey of personal development of mine I have noticed time and time again that all the health gurus and wellness professionals...

Apr 24, 20212 min read
Why I'm excited for my Thirties.
I was jotting down some notes recently on one of my blog brain dumps, I was considering how I felt I was "old" and less fun in comparison...

Apr 17, 20213 min read
The 5 a.m Affair
Are you one of those people who always wishes they could be a natural morning person, to wake at 5 a.m and seize the day? But in reality...

Apr 3, 20213 min read
Why I Gave Up Caffeine
Heart palpitations, anxiety, feeling old, achy and stiff, out of breath after walking up/down stairs, clammy palms yet always feeling...

Mar 23, 20213 min read
One Year Later
As if we need to be reminded that we have lived through a year of national lockdowns, I'm certain everyone knows how long it has been, so...

Oct 11, 20203 min read
Project 333
Every morning I would open the wardrobe and be met with an overflowing mass of clothing. Multiple garments per hanger, all rammed in...

Sep 8, 20204 min read
Death By Spin Class
It was midweek in the city pre lockdown, a few days earlier I had had a notion to join the new gym, it was a bargain price per month and...

Surviving the First Day: This Clueless Mama's Nursery Adventure
As we near the end of October and prepare for the clocks to "fall back" we can find ourselves in that happy middle between seasons. The...

Consistently Inconsistent
Sitting on my bed in the semi late hours of a frosty January night I got that feeling,you know the one where it starts off as a small...

When maternity leave ends...
So much has happened since I last wrote on here. Atlas is now nine months old. Can you believe I have an almost one year old as we are...
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